I was invited to join Episode 44 of Startup Vancouver's #WhatKeepsYouUpAtNight show. I was interviewed by Reza Varzidehkar. The Q&A format was a really great chance to talk about some of the vision and "why" behind what we're doing, as well as explain some of the technical building blocks of how Fission works.

Here's the 17 minute clip of my interview:

Direct link to video vimeo.com/511387825

The co-hosts of the show are Maryam Mobini, Colin Weston and Reza Vee. Thanks Reza for interviewing me, and Colin for inviting me!

Other guests included Melanie Ewan of Volition Advisors, and James Basnett of Shape.

The full episode is available on YouTube. The events are free to attend, but donations are accepted on behalf of jack.org, "Canada's only charity that trains and empowers young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory".