The Ethereum Devconnect conference and LabWeek23 are converging in November in Istanbul, and Fission is looking forward to connecting with the Web3 and DWeb communities. We are the lead community organizers of IPFS Connect, a new regional educational IPFS event debuting its first meetup in Istanbul. The goal of the Istanbul event is to demonstrate to Web3 devs the diverse use cases for IPFS and ways they can get started today.

What: Join the IPFS Community for a full day of workshops and talks showcasing technology, tools, and innovative projects in the IPFS ecosystem. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, there will be something for everyone.

When: November 16th, 2023

Where: Swissôtel The Bosphorus Istanbul

Swissotel The Bosphorus

The Full Schedule is Now Available!

We've been working hard behind the scenes to create a diverse and engaging program for you. The result is 25 speakers, 23 talks, three workshops, one working group session, and one lighting talk session. 🤯  

Here's a sampling of what you can expect at IPFS Connect Istanbul:

What is Content Addressing, and Why is it the Second Best Thing in the World?

In this talk, we will provide real-world examples of systems that could be made simpler with content addressing, and directions that IPFS should take to solve out-of-the-box challenges.

Speaker: Jorropo

The state of Helia: IPFS in the Browser

Are you a dApp or Web2 application developer? Do you want to access IPFS content in the browser?

Join us to learn what you can do with the new-ish JS IPFS implementation: Helia.

We will cover current resources and ideas around Helia and our plans for what's to come.

Speaker: Russell Dempsey

Iroh: Take IPFS to Millions of New Places

Iroh is a new IPFS node written in Rust, designed to connect and persist across many different endpoints. Written as a Rust library, you can run the server node today or combine it with your existing Web3 Rust code to add performant networking and content addressing to your network.

This talk will dive into the design of Iroh and how to get started.

Speaker: b5

Easy on Ramps, Easy off Ramps: Bridging Web2 to Web3

Saturn and DAG House present a joint workshop exploring how a typical Web2 customer can onboard and use the world of IPFS content addressing without buying into unconventional protocols, networking setups, or technologies.

Can we unlock the benefits of verifiability, trustlessness, and decentralization without users having to change their behavior?

Speakers: David Choi and Hannah Howard

Deploy a dApp to IPFS in Less Than 15 Minutes

IPFS can host more than media files. In this talk, we'll demonstrate how to build and deploy a NextJS app on IPFS using thirdweb's CLI tools

Speaker: Eiman Abdelmoneim

DataverseOS: Secure Personal Data with Programmable Encrypted Cloud

This talk will focus on a next-gen data wallet and data operating system, unlocking a new paradigm for users to control internet data using a single wallet.

It will cover topics around sign-in-with-Ethereum, object capability, and graph database, as well as DataverseOS implementations of a wallet-portable file system, which serves as a programmable cloud for internet dApps like Twitter and Medium.

Speaker: Qibing Li

IPFS Community Governance

As IPFS keeps growing in implementations, users, and communities, we need to spend a moment to think about governance. How can we ensure that IPFS is led by those who care for it and are most impacted by it?

Speaker: Robin Berjon

Boom! by Tableland

We’re inviting developers and innovators within the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems to propose talks for an electrifying session we’re planning called "Boom.” It will serve as the lightning talks session at IPFS Connect and aims to spotlight significant technical advancements and in-flight projects within distributed storage and blockchain technology.

Veering away from pitches or shilling, we’re calling for presentations that dive into the code and share technical insights. Each talk, limited to 5 minutes, will adhere to the Ignite/Pecha Kucha style, promoting a clear and concise conveyance of ideas.

Facilitators: Carson Farmer and Brian Hoffstein

IPVM Workshop: Running WebAssembly Workflows with IPFS

Join the Fission team in a live workshop about the InterPlanetary Virtual Machine (IPVM), an open protocol for decentralized computation.

We'll be walking through how to set up and install a Homestar node, an IPVM reference implementation written in Rust optimized for running WebAssembly (Wasm) functions in workflows. Both data and compute functions are stored on content-addressed networks, loaded over the network, and the results stored for future use.

Speaker: Fission Team

See the IPFS Connect Istanbul website for the full schedule!

Workshop Signup is Now Open

As mentioned, there will be three workshops at IPFS Connect Istanbul. We want to gauge attendance for these workshops so we know how to allocate our resources best. If you plan on attending one or more workshops, please fill out this quick 3-question Google form. It would help us out. Thanks!

Event Registration is Still Open

If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, there is still time! Registration is $49 and includes a delicious lunch.

See you in Istanbul🇹🇷!