The embedded event invites didn't display correctly in our last email, so here are the links.

Secure / Design Community Call: The Secure / Design community aims to establish a set of principles to guide secure design practices, heuristics to evaluate whether those principles are being upheld, and UX patterns and best practices to make upholding the principles a bit easier for the protocols, platforms, and products that folks rely upon every day. Their current focus is improving authorization and signing flows.

IPVM Community Call: The IPVM is an effort to add content-addressed computation to IPFS. This requires specifying calling conventions, distributed scheduling, session receipts, mobile computing, and auto-upgradable IPFS internals. The Community Call is open to all but is focused on implementers, following the IETF's rough "consensus and running code" ethos.

​​UCAN Community Call: The UCAN Community Call is a monthly recurring time for library implementers, spec maintainers, and users to coordinate, share learnings, and ask questions.

​Causal Islands Podcast: EP02: A Conversation with the Strange Loop and Papers We Love Organizers

​We are so excited to be joined by Strange Loop founder Alex Miller and Papers We Love organizers Zeeshan Lakhani, Darren Newton, David Ashby, and Chas Emerick. Our guests will share stories from past conferences, what to expect at this year's final events, and what's coming next.

Thank you,

The Fission Team