Our cofounder Brooklyn Zelenka presented Web3 for Fun & Profit: Agency • Openness • Re-decentralization at CascadiaJS 2021 this year:

Web3, blockchains, edge computing, and commons networks. They all conjure up images of Elon Musk shilling cryptocurrencies. Is that all these technologies are good for? Is there more to the hype than economics?

It can be daunting to know what to even look for, let alone get started. In this talk, Brooklyn will take you through the broad landscape of web3, the problems that they solve, and show how some of these techniques can open up new ways of solving Web 2.0 problems today.

CascadiaJS 2021 Speaker & Talk Profile



The full slide deck is available on IPFS of course! (but you can also flip through it on Brooke's presentation archive).

Here are a few selected slides:

O'Reilly talking Web2 in 2005

Web3: A technological & social movement characterized by openness, interoperability, and user agency

Evolution of the Web

User Agency

User-Controlled Data

Commons Networks

The End of (Infrastructure) History


Thanks for the interest and support about this talk:

Aside from Twitter, Art Rosnovsky did a great write up of the conference including his sketch notes:

Thank you to all the CascadiaJS 2021 attendees & organizers! It was great to start mixing online and virtual.

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